
Snark – Red Queen – Alice – Bandersnatch

    – 6.1 miles
    – 1400 ft of vertical

Start at Witzend parking and head south on Waterline and turn right very shortly onto Snark. You’ll be above Ashland Creek for awhile. Snark leaves the creek and then starts to climb rather steeply eventually into a shaded glen. It then turns north and crosses Jabberwocky and rolls up and down and eventually intersects with Bandersnatch. Turn right at Bandersnatch and right immediately again at Red Queen. Stay on Red Queen to the top and cross 2060 onto Caterpillar (heading north). After ~1/3 mile, turn left (north) onto White Rabbit and follow it down to the White Rabbit TH. Cross 2060 to join the Alice in Wonderland trail for .7 miles to Bandersnatch (left). Return to Waterline and Witzend. Be alert for mt bikers on Waterline, Caterpillar, White Rabbit and Alice in Wonderland.

NOTE: The Alice in Wonderland trail has changed as of May 2023 and will likely change more in the coming 12 months.

Created by Torsten Heycke. Updated October 18, 2023.

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